Our Story, His Story, Your Story
Our Story
God has been writing our story for a while now!
It all began in art school, what seems like, a lifetime ago. Cindy and I met, fell in love, got married, started a family, and began scripting our future together. But you know the problem with penning your own future? It never seems to unfold the way you planned!
Now, that’s not a bad thing. In fact, we never could have imagined the storyline God has written for us. If we had, we probably would have chosen a different book from the travel section shelf!
But seriously, our life together has been fulfilling and filled with chapter-after-chapter of adventure. We have been blessed with five beautiful daughters, amazing son-in-laws, and a quiver of grandkids! We have traveled throughout our beautiful nation, visited at least a dozen countries around the globe, including walking in the footsteps of Jesus and His disciples in Israel. It doesn’t get much better than that!
One of our first chapters included a call to pastoral ministry with a two year side trip to Bible school in Dallas, Texas. From there, the storyboard pointed northwest to Idaho long enough to grow a church and to grow a family of four to seven!
Yet, once again, the Divine Author changed the narrative, and we found ourselves heading back to our beloved New England where we have been ever since, and loving it.
While living in New Hampshire, we have had the privilege of shepherding a wonderful church family that has grown outward from a handful of people to several congregations that are impacting our surrounding communities.
Now with that chapter of our lives closed along with decades of wonderfully unexpected plot twists, not to mention a long hiatus from illustrating, we have come full circle, returning to the very place that brought us together in the first place ––the world of art!
“You have done many things for us, O Lord our God…You have made many wonderful plans for us.” (Psalm 40:5 ––GNT*)
This passage from the Bible truly sums up our lives together. Although it was the crucible of art school that brought Cindy and me together (believe us, it was tough) it was the embrace of God’s love that brought us to Himself. This has been the greatest story of our lives.
Like so many people of our generation, we were raised with a traditional religious background. We knew of God, but we did not know Him. Yet, His love drew us, and His love changed us. As we opened our hearts and lives to His call, accepted His love and forgiveness, and began to walk out a living, loving, growing relationship with Him, the Creator of the universe wrote us into His Story.
His Story
Sometimes it’s hard to imagine that God cares about us, especially in the world we live in today that is often filled with so much pain and sorrow. Yet, God never intended for things to be this way. His plan from the beginning was for everyone to love Him and each other. That plan started in Heaven and will end in Heaven someday too.
Jesus said, “I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness.” This doesn’t mean you won’t experience some difficult things at times. We have. But what it does mean, is that Jesus will be there for you, will give you peace, joy, and a purpose to live a life pleasing to God. This begins as you simply offer back to Him the life-script He has given you from the start.
Remember the story of the Cross of Christ? It was love that held Jesus there. God the Father sent His Only Begotten Son into the world to live and die for each of us so that we could be with Him forever.
Jesus did not die just to die, though. His death on the Cross brought forgiveness for all of humanity’s sin, including each of us. God did this so you could know His great, great love for you, and to offer you His love, forgiveness, and a forever home in Heaven.
So here’s the heart of the matter. God has been writing the stories of countless numbers of people throughout history. Why not let Him write your story into His story?
What’s Your Story?
We’d love to hear from you. Feel free to contact us at: info@yourstorypress.com